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Mechanical Steam Traps

Mechanical Steam Trap

Mechanical steam traps utilize buoyancy to open and close the valve.
Also known as 'Float Traps' or 'Bucket Traps'



Mechanical traps are suitable for use in a variety of applications, including steam main lines, heat exchangers, and insulation applications such as tracers.


Operating pressure range:           0.1 - 120 barg
Operating temperature range:    0 °C - 620 °C


TLV Free Float Series


Benefits & Features:

  • Process Efficiency - adjusts quickly to changes in condensate flow, ensuring rapid discharge and maximum process efficiency. Unaffected by back pressure, the TLV free float is ideal wherever condensate is recovered.

  • Energy Conservation - A valve orifice below "water level" and three-point seating in some models prevent steam leakage. 

  • Integral Strainer - All internals are protected by an integral perforated stainless steel strainer screen.

  • Long Life - The precision ground float provides an infinite number of contact surfaces with the orifice, ensuring little wear and long reliable life.

  • Automatic Air Venting - Discharges initial air so the equipment can be started up in the shortest possible time period. X-element also vents air at near steam temperature, suitable for batch operation equipment. 

TLV Steam Trap
TLV Steam Trap
TLV Steam Trap
TLV Steam Trap

Free Float® Steam Traps (Low Pressure)
JX Series/FJ32 Series/SJ Series

TLV Steam Trap

Clean Steam Traps
SS Series

TLV Steam Trap

Free Float® Steam Traps (Medium/ High Pressure)
JH Series

PowerTrap® (Mechanical Pump with Built-in Trap)
GT Series

TLV Steam Trap
TLV Steam Trap

Free Float® Steam Traps for Main Lines
SS Series/FS Series/SH Series

TLV Steam Trap

Steam Traps with Bypass Valve
J3S-X Series

TLV Steam Trap

Large Capacity Float Steam Traps
J10 Series/JH15 Series/JL Series

TLV Steam Trap

PowerTrap® (Compact)

Thermodynamic Steam Traps

TLV Steam Trap

Thermodynamic steam trap utilize the difference in the thermodynamic properties of condensate and steam. Also known as 'Disc Traps'.



Suitable for a variety of applications, such as steam main lines, tracers, steam heating equipment, etc


Operating pressure range:           0.25 - 260 barg
Operating temperature range:    0 °C - 550 °C


TLV PowerDyne Series


Benefits & Features:

  • Air Jacketing - Equipped with an air-insulated jacket, giving resistance to environmental effects and minimising unnecessary operation and steam loss.

  • Mirror-polished Sealing Surfaces - The bimetal air vent ring eliminates air binding and allows the hardened sealing surfaces to be mirror-polished, resulting in a tight seal that saves steam.

  • Bimetal Air Vent Ring - PowerDyne's bimetal air vent ring quickly and efficiently vents start-up air without binding, eliminating the need for manual blowdown.

  • Replaceable module - The replaceable module facilitates inline replacement of normal wear parts, such as the valve disc and valve seat.

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TLV Steam Trap

ThermoDyne® A3N

TLV Steam Trap

PowerDyne® Disc-Type Steam Traps
P Series/HR Series

Thermostatic Steam Traps

TLV Steam Trap

Thermostatic steam traps utilize the difference in the temperatures of steam and condensate. Also known as 'Temperature Control Traps' or 'Balanced Pressure Traps.'



Suitable for use on air conditioning, room heating, steam tracers, etc. Models suitable for use with steam heating equipment are also available (thermostatic steam trap L-series).


Operating pressure range:           0.1 - 46 barg
Operating temperature range:    0 °C - 350 °C


TLV  Balanced Pressure Series


Benefits & Features:

  • Pressure Resistant Capsule - The X-Element responds alternately to internal & external pressure. To withstand harsh conditions the element is built of sufficiently thick, high-tensile stainless steel plate.

  • Diaphragm Support - The design of the valve matches the shape of the diaphragm so that the latter is well supported & the danger of deformation or rupture of the element is eliminated. The case is also designed completely to match the shape of the diaphragm to prevent damage from excessive internal pressure.

  • Safety - "Fail Open" Feature - The unique configuration of multiple diaphragms and a valve with a hole through the centre of its plug results in a "fail open" valve position should these parts fail.

  • Inline Repairable - Inline maintenance of valve and screen is easy with L-series steam traps 

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TLV Steam Trap

Thermostatic Steam Traps
L Series/LV Series/FL Series

TLV Steam Trap

Temperature Control Trap

TLV Steam Trap

Clean Steam Traps
LV6 Series

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